Friday, August 10, 2012

Speech Bubble #6: The Hunger Games

Hi everyone!
I am so sorry that I couldn't post the video of my duct tape wallets. But soon I will post pictures of the outsides and the insides of all my wallets. 
Again, I'm very sorry for the error. :(

But for today, I have a... (drumroll please) ... 

Hunger Games 

I am obsessed with the Hunger Games. In fact, I am so obsessed that soon I am having a party all about the Hunger Games! 
I think that the books are absolutely amazing and Suzanne Collins is a great author. The three books are:
Book 1: The Hunger Games
Book 2: Catching Fire
Book 3: Mockingjay

They recently made a movie of the Hunger Games, the first book, and it is coming out on DVD on August 18th. I'm so excited! 
Hunger Games Trailer
This is the trailer for the Hunger Games movie.
On November 22nd, Catching Fire, the second movie, is being released. I can't wait for that one to come out. I'll definitely be in the movie theater to see it! 
In this post, I will tell you some great ideas for a Hunger Games party, most of which I'm using. 
NOTE: I did not come up with these ideas. I found these on the internet and I don't take credit for any of them. :) 

1. You should have Hunger Games food. You can use blackberries or blueberries for nightlock, etc.
2. Dress like the Hunger Games! Tell your guests to either come in a costume, or put on a costume at the party. 
3. Have your very own Caesar Flickerman or Effie Trinket. If you want to act out the Hunger Games (see 4) then you should have an Effie or a Caesar. This person can run the games, do interviews with the tributes, your guests, etc. Usually Effie does the games and Caesar does the interviews, but if you only have one person, it's fine to have just one to do both.
4. To act out the Hunger Games, you can train first (see 5) or not. You can have bags in the middle for the Cornucopia with water guns, dry food, Nerf Guns, etc. Then someone will do the countdown and the guests will either run to the Cornucopia to grab a bag, or run away. 
5. For training, you can make a slingshot, do archery, make an obstacle course, swim, and much more.
6. Have fun! The most important thing at a party is being with friends and having fun, so enjoy your Hunger Games party! 

See all of you guys tomorrow! 

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