Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Speech Bubble #2: Today's Fashion

So this morning I woke up and decided that today was a day to look cute. I quickly found an outfit that would suit my need and got dressed. Then, I pulled my hair back into a quick ponytail and smoothed the sides down with water to make a cleaner ponytail. After, knowing it was chilly early in the morning, I put on, as a jacket, a button down denim-looking shirt from H&M. I got the shorts and the shirt at Justice. I grabbed a vintage bag to complete the look. But the boots are by far the best. I'm ready for summer, but I'm still from California. These totally make me feel like that. My inspiration for writing the fashion part of my blog comes from Le Catch. This blog is amazing; you should definitely check it out. 
That's pretty much it for this post. Post a comment and I'll have another post ready on Friday!


  1. I love your speech bubble #2! I can't wait to see what other ideas you have regarding your outfits!

  2. I love to see all the beautiful outfits that you model. Thats all I want to see. Period

