Friday, September 14, 2012

Speech Bubble #15: CREEPY MONKEY and correction on Ronan

Hey everyone! 

Let us get down to business. The correction on Ronan, is I'm not sure if he died in his mother's arms, but it said on the website to raise money for kids like him, which I think his mom made. 

Second thing.
Don't mean to ruin your perfectly fantastic day, but my mom sent me a creepy beyond disgusting picture of a monkey. A newly discovered monkey. 

Is this not weird and scary or what? Or is it just me? My mom thinks he's cute. He's NOT cute. He looks like an animation and it's like he's a morphed human! 
But it's like in the Hunger Games, book 1, when Katniss notices that the mutations at the end of the book have the dead tributes eyes. (sorry spoiler alert!) 
It's like he has someone else's eyes! 
I feel like tonight I'll wake up having nightmares about this weird creature. 
Do you want to see a really cute monkey to overshadow whatever this thing is? 

AWWW! Is he adorable or what? Now, Mommy, that's cute. It's a baby Cotton Top Tamarin. I will eventually have a whole post on monkey pics because monkeys are so cute! Maybe it will be tomorrow, since I fell behind in posting again, or maybe today! You never know...
Have a great weekend, and for me, a THREE DAY WEEKEND! 

Enjoy yourselves! 

1 comment:

  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lesula is my favorite monkey! Please no don't hate on him! Lesula is so cute :)
