Merry Christmas!
I just wanted to take a quick second to tell everyone before this post that Christmas isn't about getting gifts. I think that Christmas is about spending time with family and having fun. That probably sounds pretty cliche, but I really think it's true.
Okay. Now to the post.
Thank you SO SO SO much to everyone who did give me, my brother and the rest of my family gifts. I really appreciate you thinking of me this holiday season.
On Christmas, I get up pretty early, 7:30-8:00, which is early for me on weekends, or days without school, and I immediately wake my family up. Unless it's 7:30 or earlier.
We opened presents and ate french toast, but the really AMAZING meal was the Christmas dinner. We ate pork, with AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING MAGNIFICENT INCREDIBLE MUSHROOM GRAVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Daddy for that wonderful treat!
This is a pretty short post because I'm off to go to sleep, but Merry Christmas, and may the holiday cheer waft upon you every single time you speak the word Christmas. :)
That was corny. Wow.
Okay, bye!
I enjoyed this post very much, Anela! Happy holidays to you too!