If anything can describe not seeing something or doing something for a really long time, my postings on this blog would describe exactly that. But I have something for you today:
My duct tape wallets and my magazine pouches!
I really enjoy making both of these, and like I said in a previous post, I would eventually post my duct tape wallets. I started school, so things got a little crazy and I couldn't post as much as I would've liked to post. But I'm back and hopefully I can keep posting as steadily as possible. So, want to see my stuff?
I know you do!
NOTE: The wallets you see in the picture below aren't all the wallets I've made. I've given some to friends!
Magazine Pouch
All my duct tape wallets!
The insides of all my wallets... sorry the picture is turned sideways! :o
Inside of the magazine pouch.
Half of my duct tape workstation. The other half is too big to fit in the picture!
My amazing Mockingjay Hunger Games wallet!
This picture is the wrong way too, I'm sorry about that. :o (again)
The inside of my Mockingjay wallet. (OMG another picture that's the wrong way!)
The inside of a hidden pocket in a wallet.
All of my wallets, or at least the outside.
A sample of what the outside of one of my wallets might look like, but mostly all of the ones I've make are in the picture above.
The inside of one of the credit card pockets.
So I hope you liked them! Hopefully I might get a Youtube account soon so I can post tutorials and videos on duct tape and other crafts! Enjoy your weekend!
This is a double-whammy post, so be sure to look for Speech Bubble #13 today!
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