Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Speech Bubble #10: Minecraft

Hi everyone!
What's up? How've you been doing? I'm good, thanks for asking! 
Something good about me? Well, I've been playing this awesome game called Minecraft that I know a lot of kids all ages love to play, too! You want to hear more? Okay! 

Minecraft is a game of building. So here is some information on the game!

MODES: There are different modes which allow you to do different things. There's Survival Mode, which means you have to get your own food by killing cows, pigs, etc, you can get hurt by falling to far, starving, and it's really fun to make a house for yourself as well! In Creative Mode, you can fly around, not die, not eat, and have unlimited materials! And in Hardcore, well, it's hardcore stuff. You can't respawn in Hardcore after you die like in Survival. 

SERVERS: You can play on servers, which means you are playing Minecraft with other people. Sometimes they are people you know and sometimes they are just random people who happen to be playing Minecraft at the same time as you are! 

SKINS: This is how you look on Minecraft. In the picture above, that skin is the skin that you have to start off with and that's Steve. :) I don't know why he's called Steve. Don't ask me. You can be really anything! Knowing people can be mostly anything, they are mostly anything!

This is a Sonic the Hedgehog skin. That just about proves you can be anything. 

SPAWNING: When you first go on Minecraft, you'll have to spawn somewhere. How you do this is really easy. Just click "Create New World," name your world where you are going to build, pick your mode and this is optional, but you can also choose a seed, (see SEEDS.) Then you click the "Create New World" button again and you're in! You will then wait about a minute and Minecraft will spawn you either in snow, the desert, the plains, the mountains or in the water. Wherever you spawn you will always have access to animals because there is not one Minecraft world with absolutely no animals. So basically you'll always have dinner. :) You can also spawn in villages, dungeons, etc.

SEEDS: If you have a seed, you click "More World Options" and you type the seed in. A seed is numbers, words or just about anything that will always spawn you in the same place when you type that seed in. For example, WoLf_MaN and gimmeavillage spawns you in villages. That is basically all you need to know about seeds.

There is so much more to Minecraft, but if I say it all this post will be really, really, really, really, really long, so I will save you the seven hours of reading and not put it all in. :)

Tomorrow is special: It's my birthday!
So I'm posting a little birthday celebration post tomorrow! 
So wish me happy birthday! 

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