Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Speech Bubble #23: Song Writing

Hey everyone,

I know, I know - I haven't posted in like 1 million years and you miss me and are wondering every single second where I went - Well stop worrying, because I'm back! 

I took a long break
1) because I forgot to post :P
2) because I was SUPER busy with two things, which will be talked about right NOW:

I have been into song-writing lately, and my friend and I have a song-writing document where we write songs and have the other one make comments with constructive criticism. WELL - I have been writing a lot, not just songs, but stories and poems as well, and thought I would give you 10 song-writing tips for those of you who are interested in writing songs. Note: I'm not sure how many people actually care about writing songs, but it's fun to try one time, if you're stuck on a plane, or stuck somewhere you don't want to be! 

My Song-Writing Tips for the World (Not in any particular order): 
1: When writing, imagine how the words will fit together in a song - if the lyrics don't flow with each other, than the song will sound off because some lines are longer than the other lines, etc. 
2: Express TRUE feelings - songs tend to be REALLY good if the listener or the reader can relate to the lyrics. Most of the time, true life experiences will cause the best reaction from listeners because they have either 1) experienced a similar situation 2) know what it's like to be in that situation, or 3) have felt the same way you did in that situation. Sometimes, the experiences don't have to be true, but normally they get the best results from readers if they are true experiences. 
3: Feel the song - you might think that this one is sort of like Tip #2, but it isn't. If you don't feel the song when writing it, it will be a terrible song because there's no feeling behind the words you are writing. They are just words. It is easy to tell when someone FELT the song they are writing, instead of just writing words that sound good together. Words can be very powerful, so bring out the powerful side to the words. Embrace it!
4: Write in a team - sometimes it's good to write in a team. I do this with my friend, as I mentioned before. If you write in a team, the other team member/s can look at your song and see what they think about it. They can give you constructive criticism, and help you improve your songs. This also helps because you are your harshest critic. It is hard for you to judge your own work, because you will tend to see the bad side of it, more than the good, and if you don't, than lucky for you! Some people don't always see the bad side of their work more than the good, but some do. Your team can truly judge you. 
5: Feel comfortable - whenever, wherever you write, you should feel comfortable in your spot. This can help you write a better song! This is just a pretty general tip.
6: Look around - if you are stuck with writers block, and can't think of anything to write, look around the room, or the area that you are in, and think of something exciting to write about in that room. For example: if you are in your living room, sitting by the warm fireplace, with a kitty purring next to you, write about the feeling you might have. For another example: you are waiting at the airport to pick up a relative you haven't seen in a while, write about that feeling. 
7: Be creative - this might seem like one of the most cliche tips, but it isn't, and it actually relates to song-writing. DON'T BE BORING. If your songs are just words written on a paper, and seem like they took you 5 minutes to write, you better sit back down and fix them up, because that isn't the right impression you want to give on your song-listeners. For sure. Be creative. Think creative thoughts. Don't just spew out words. It's better to take your time with your writing, instead of hurry to finish it so you can do something else. If that happens, writing is not something you really like to do.
8: Be yourself - don't try to sound like someone else when writing songs. Also, when you are singing your songs, don't try to sound like someone else is singing them. It's not worth it. You don't want to become famous singing like someone else, do you? Keep the sound to your voice, and to your writing. Write like yourself, because someday, you might get a record deal or a writing contract with some huge company, and you would definitely want to say that those were your original, raw thoughts, right? Yup, that's what I thought. 
9: Take your time - don't rush through writing, because that means you don't like it that much. Take your time, and you'll produce a great song! 
10: Have fun - this might actually be the most cliche one. But seriously, just have fun when you write songs. There's nothing worse than being bored with something, because it makes you not like it. And writing is fun, believe me. You can let all your creative juices flow, and let your creativity pour onto the paper, or computer. Whichever one you prefer. Have fun with everything in life! Be free!

Did you like those tips? Well I hope so, because they took me like 15 minutes to write!
Alright, onto the second thing that kept me busy. I mean, REALLY BUSY. 
I have a business up and running called Little Craftee Me, where I primarily sell paracord bracelets for $7.00 each, to raise money for Lyme disease research through CALDA, California Lyme Disease Association. They are super cute, and if you are interested in purchasing one, contact me! 

I had 25 orders last week, to deliver and make, and it was stressful! My fingers were almost falling off from all the work.

I have to stop blogging now. This post is LONG. 



Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Speech Bubble #22: The Latest Fashion/Crafts


Yes, today I put a period after "hi" instead of an exclamation point. 

Anyway, today's post relates both to fashion and crafts, since the fashion item is, in fact, a craft that I made! 

This is a terrible picture of what I made! It's a hoodie, and I added pink polka dots onto the plain grey hoodie to "jazz" it up.

I have to go. No seriously. I have TWO tests on Thursday. It doesn't sound like a lot. But it is. It really is. 



Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Fun - Speech Bubble #21

Merry Christmas

I just wanted to take a quick second to tell everyone before this post that Christmas isn't about getting gifts. I think that Christmas is about spending time with family and having fun. That probably sounds pretty cliche, but I really think it's true.

Okay. Now to the post. 

Thank you SO SO SO much to everyone who did give me, my brother and the rest of my family gifts. I really appreciate you thinking of me this holiday season. 

On Christmas, I get up pretty early, 7:30-8:00, which is early for me on weekends, or days without school, and I immediately wake my family up. Unless it's 7:30 or earlier. 
We opened presents and ate french toast, but the really AMAZING meal was the Christmas dinner. We ate pork, with AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING MAGNIFICENT INCREDIBLE MUSHROOM GRAVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Daddy for that wonderful treat!

This is a pretty short post because I'm off to go to sleep, but Merry Christmas, and may the holiday cheer waft upon you every single time you speak the word Christmas. :)
That was corny. Wow. 

Okay, bye! 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

20th Post!!!!- Speech Bubble #20

I am honestly excited. It's my 20th blog post! 
But I have to apologize, yet again, for not posting regularly. I know that I don't post a lot, but I have been busy with school work, etc. It's almost winter break! December 21st!!!!!! 

Now, this is a serious question. 
Do any of you think that the world is going to end? 
I don't, but some of you may... 

I have a lot of things to say in this blog post. 

Toca Boca Hair Salon 2 
There is this addicting app that I got today called Toca Boca Hair Salon 2. There is a Toca Boca Hair Salon, and I had that one before, but 2 is so much better! There is a curling iron, a straightener and something else that I can't identify! :) 

This is just one thing that you can do with this awesome app! I love it! It is $.99, but it was worth it! 

My Favorite Singer's Birthday
It was my favorite singer's birthday three days ago. December 13th is Miss Taylor Swift's 23rd birthday, and the release date of her new music video for the song "I Knew You Were Trouble." I think it's awesome! 

I love this picture of the lovely, one and only, Taylor Swift! 

Christmas is Coming! 
Santa, dust off your riding boots, unless you wear them all year around, and feet your reindeer, because Christmas is just around the bend! I hope you are watching on your Santa-Cam which children were naughty and which were nice! 
Well, Merry Christmas, or as I like to say, Happy Christmas! I am kind of obsessed with England and love everything from England! I don't know why. I just am. :) 
My favorite Christmas song is "All I Want For Christmas is You" by Mariah Carey. 

I just like this picture. It's cute, and I found it on the picture website, I use this app on my iPod for pictures, since it's also an app! 

I hope you enjoyed the 20th post! 
No seriously. Did you enjoy it? 
Feel free to email me your feedback at 

I'll answer as soon as I can!

See ya later! 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Catching You Up! - Speech Bubble 19

Okay. Lets get down to business. It's been almost four months or something crazy like that since I've posted something and I'm sure you guys are wondering if I'll ever post anything else. Well, Congratulations! This is a post and this is my blog. I am posting a post right now. :) 
So I've been posting YouTube videos and doing craft stuff, and as you all know, yesterday was Black Friday! I went shopping at JoAnns and got some awesome craft stuff. I also made a bunch of Christmas charms! Today I made two duct tape wallets and a coin purse, all that look cool and are made with my three new duct tape colors; white, pink and yellow. There are some pics in this post of some of the different things I made. 
There is also a tutorial on YouTube that is being uploaded right after this. So keep checking the comments for the link! 

Clay: CAKE! LAYER CAKE! (they could be BFF charms because the cake slice fits into the rest of the cake, as shown in the next picture.)
 Clay: The cake slices fit into the rest of the cake!
Clay: I guess the YouTuber who made the tutorial on these called them Bubble Teas, but they're really cute so who cares? 

 Clay: stocking on a chain
 Clay: ADORABLE Gingerbread MAN!!!!!
 Clay: Frosty the Snowman! Or just a snowman (on a keychain)
Clay: A present for Christmas on a keychain
 Duct Tape: a magnetic coin purse with a bow

 Duct Tape: A pink and white bi-fold wallet with a bow and a velcro coin purse inside
 Duct Tape: a bi-fold wallet with a magnetic coin purse inside 
 Clay: two baguettes and two Italian rolls, two that are charms and two that aren't 
Clay: rainbow cake slices that fit together 

I hope you enjoyed these pics!
You better have enjoyed them.

See you soon! 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Speech Bubble #18: Just Hanging

Hey. Hey. Hey! 
I don't have much to say. :( 
But I just posted a new video on Youtube showing my duct tape coin purses I just made. :)
That is the link to the awesome video! 
Hopefully, I'll be posting a tutorial on how to make them, so keep watching my channel, and if you have an account, or know anyone who has an account, tell them to subscribe to me! 
I'm cool. Right? 
Anyway, I also got some new SONGS!

Too Close by Alex Clare 
Lights by Ellie Goulding (I think that's how you spell it) 
Forget You by Cee Lo Green (clean version)
Wake Up Call by Maroon 5
Bubbly by Colbie Caillat
Mistletoe by Colbie Caillat (It was weird; I didn't even buy the song, but it was purchased anyway. But I had a big gift card, so it was tolerable.) 

Have a great weekend! 
This post is officially over.   

Friday, September 21, 2012

Speech Bubble #17: YOUTUBE!

I am so excited to tell you this I'm not even going to say hello. (Well I might at the end, but...) 
I just got a Youtube account and posted my first two videos! 
I make videos on crafts and my username is...


I really hope you check out my channel! Post a comment! Subscribe! 
Also, hopefully soon I will have a website maybe that will sell some of my crafts to raise money for charity. I'm not sure if I'm going to do that yet. I think the charity I want to donate to is Stand Up to Cancer, but I'm not sure about that, either. 

Anyway, I really hope that you watch my videos because I will definitely be posting more! 
I make videos on clay, duct tape, and anything crafty! 
I've already posted a Michaels Haul, if you don't know what that is, ask me by leaving a comment, and a first video with an overview of what I'll be posting. 
I will hopefully be posting tutorials soon, so keep watching!


Hello, and goodbye.